Mega Patches For Acne


A powerful hydrocolloid acne patch with large adhesive area to conceal and heal blemishes. The clear patches help to extract impurities, reduce oil, and prevent wounds from scarring. These patches are infused with Glycolic Acid to help brighten dark spots and prevent future breakouts. After cleansing and dry skin, place a patch with the tacky side down onto the blemish area before bedtime. Use nightly as needed.This link:

Is MEGA PATCH environmentally safe?

Unlike other cold patch materials that simply stay in place by weight MEGA PATCH bonds to the sides of potholes. It becomes a part of the pavement and can last longer than asphalt because it does not get affected by water or U.V. It is made of a high-strength co-polymer binder with select stone aggregates. Asphalt turns the color of the stone used in the pavement so black, gray, or tan MEGA PATCH will match the surrounding road surface.